Many people think it is hard to make movies.
This is not true.
It is really very simple.
Here at Crew Corps we don’t teach acting.
We don’t teach content.
You probably have a lot of story ideas of your own.
Crew Corps can teach you the craft of film making.
The skills.
A few basic things you should know:
A camera is just a box with a hole in one end.
Lights help isolate people from the background.
Get the microphone as close as you can to the person talking.
We can teach you tricks to make the audience look anywhere you like.
People will look at the part of the picture that is in focus.
They will look at the part of the picture that is moving.
People will look at the brightest thing in the scene.
You will learn that the movie is made when you edit it.
Not when you shoot it.
The same way you make lunch.
You buy the parts in the store.
But you make lunch in the kitchen.
You should learn all the basic rules.
Don’t worry. You can break all these rules later.
But you should learn them all first.
Always use a tripod.
Always white balance before you shoot.
Don’t use auto focus.
Always manually focus before you shoot.
Never use the mic on the camera.
Don’t zoom in and out.
Don’t let actors’ heads touch the top of the frame.
Try shooting something now using all these rules.
See. You are already making better movies.
Welcome to Crew Corps.